My Professional Qualifications and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) achievements:

  • Certificate in Holistic Counselling and Holistic Life Coaching – ASHC
  • Certificate in Meditation Teaching and Holistic Human Development – ASHC
  • Statement in Narrative Approaches in Counselling – Tafe NSW
  • Statement in Trauma-Informed Care – Tafe NSW
  • Reflective Learning and Practice – ACAP
  • Sustainability in Helping Professionals – ACAP
  • Work Within a Structured Counselling Framework – AIPC
  • Transactional Analysis 101 – Gregory Institute
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy (DBT) Certification Training Course with Lane Pederson – PDP/PESI
  • Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) and Tapping: Evidence-Based, Mind-Body Treatment Approach to the Anxiety Spectrum Disorders and Pain – PDP/PESI
  • Dr. Bessel van der Kolk on How the Body Keeps the Score: Intensive Trauma Treatment Course – PDP/PESI
  • Logical and Critical Thinking – The University of Auckland
  • Introduction to Couples Counselling – Counselling Resources
  • Mental Skills Training for Sport and Health – Manchester Metropolitan University
  • Food and Mood: Improving Mental Health Through Diet and Nutrition – Deakin University/Food & Mood Centre
  • The Basic Schema Model, Methods, and Techniques – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Psychology Diploma – Centre of Excellence
  • Advanced CBT Diploma – Centre of Excellence
  • Couples and Family Therapy Diploma – Centre of Excellence
  • Emotional Intelligence at Work – Coventry University
  • Life Coaching Diploma – Centre of Excellence
  • Mindfulness Certification – New Skills Academy
  • Reinventing Resilience – ACAP
  • Breaking Intergenerational Patterns of Trauma, Addictions, & Dark Secrets in Families – Trauma Education Essentials
  • CBT 3D Simulation – ACAP
  • Schema Therapy for Narcissistic Personality Disorder – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Schema Therapy in the Age of COVID-19 – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Getting Confident Working With Trauma Memories and PTSD – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • National Symposium on Sportspersons’ Mental Health – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Virtual Seniors’ Mental Health Forum – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Virtual Substance Abuse & Mental Health Forum – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Feelings of Incompetence with Julie Naylor – Counselling Resources
  • Impacts of Social Media on Mental Health – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Building a Healthy Adult ‘Self’: Interview with ACT Expert Professor Joseph Ciarrochi – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Food and Mental Health Webinar – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Harnessing the Power of Perpetrator Ego States with Lisa Schwarz, M.Ed – Trauma Education Essentials
  • Beliefs, Values & Attitudes in Personal Development Lecture – Counselling Tutor
  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Educational Webinar – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Existential Perspectives Lecture – Counselling Tutor
  • Sleep and bipolar disorder: What do we know, and what can we do Webinar – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Sex off the Rails: Schema Therapy, Sex, and Addictions with Liz Lacy – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Dr. Jeffery Young, Interview: Schemas, Therapy and More – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • A Better Understanding of Mental Health Services – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Solution Focused Brief Therapy: Then and Now – PACFA
  • The biosocial model of borderline personality disorder – PACFA
  • CBT Strategies for Complex Anxiety Disorders – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Developing Therapeutic Presence Online – PACFA
  • Supporting Young People with Mental Illness: A guide for families and carers – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) with Suzanne Zeedyk – Counselling Resources
  • Working with Personality Disorders – Counselling Resources
  • Principles of Transactional Analysis – Counselling Resources
  • Trauma and the Brain – Counselling Resources
  • Challenge in Counselling – Counselling Resources
  • Sex in Counselling with Michael Peason – Counselling Resources
  • Models of Personal Development – Counselling Resources
  • The Teenage Brain with Kairen Griffiths – Counselling Resources
  • Complex Trauma: Key Points and ‘Must Knows’ – PDP
  • Working with Goals in Therapy – Counselling Tutor
  • Working with Codependent Clients – Counselling Resources
  • Managing Scepticism in Counselling Clients – Counselling Resources
  • Gottman’s Model of Repair in Relationships – PDP
  • Tackling Destructive Thought Patterns – Counselling Resources
  • E-Counselling, What is Online Counselling and Psychotherapy? – Counselling Resources
  • Understanding & Responding to Men’s Distress – PACFA
  • Contemporary Issues in Counselling – Counselling Resources
  • Rising from Existential Crisis – PACFA
  • Homelessness & Mental Health – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Grief and Bereavement – Counselling Resources
  • Advanced CBT Strategies for Chronic or Recurrent Depression & Anxiety – PDP
  • Grieving and Remembering Well: Tools for Healing – PDP
  • Sex and Intimacy in Relationships: Psychology, Biology and Relationship Interplay with Ari Badaines, PhD – PDP
  • Social Media and Mental Health with Ashok Mysore – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Developing Core Competence in Race and Culture – Counselling Resources
  • A Harm-Reduction Approach to Addiction with Andrew Tatarsky PhD – PDP
  • Bereavement Awareness with Nicola Hughes – Counselling Resources
  • Petruska Clarkson’s 5 Relationship Model – Counselling Resources
  • Sports and Mental Health webinar – Mental Health Foundation Australia
  • Managing Resistant Clients – PACFA
  • Beginning Validation – Validation Training Institute
  • Dialectical Behaviour Therapy Skills Training for Children and Adolescents: Rescuing the Dysregulated Child – PDP/PESI
  • Telehealth and DBT: Best Practices, Essential Skills and Ensuring Safety – PDP/PESI
  • Applying Neuroscience in Counselling Practice – Counselling Resources
  • Regulating the Client’s Nervous System with Body Consciousness – PACFA
  • Overcoming Procrastination for Counsellors with Josephine Hughes – Counselling Resources
  • Introduction to Emotion Focused Therapy (EFT) – Counselling Resources
  • The Science of Mindfulness and Compassionate Presence with Christopher Willard – PDP
  • Introduction to Internal Family Systems (IFS) – PDP
  • Trust and Meaning Making in Parent-Child Interactions – PDP
  • The Enduring Neurobiological Effects of Abuse and Neglect – PDP
  • Erickson’s Stage of Human Development – Counselling Resources
  • How Mindfulness Changes Your Brain with Prof. Norman Farb – School of Becoming
  • Expressive Arts as Healing Engagement – PDP
  • DE-CRUIT: Treating Trauma in Military Veterans through Shakespeare and Science – PDP
  • Introducing Creative Arts in Counselling – Counselling Resources
  • Self-management of Bi-Polar Disorder – Mental Health Foundation
  • Alcohol & Substance use in Lockdown – A compassion-based, harm-reduction approach to understanding and managing in the context of lockdown – PDP
  • Virtual Sound Meditation – Mental Health Foundation
  • Virtual Wellness Workshop – Mental Health Foundation
  • Recognising Sex and Porn Addiction; Beginning Conversations & Referral – Counselling Resources
  • The Physiological Manifestation of Grief – PACFA
  • Working with Moral Injury – Counselling Resources
  • Understanding and Preventing Counsellor Compassion Fatigue – Counselling Resources
  • Personality Testing Diploma Course – Centre of Excellence (currently studying)
  • Trauma & Brain Plasticity – Counselling Resources
  • Never Good Enough: An introduction to using ACT for unhelpful perfectionism, fear of failure & relentless self-criticism – PESI Au
  • Understanding Problem Anxiety with Dr. Christopher Mogan – Mental Health Foundation
  • Understanding the Basics of Psychosexual Therapy – Counselling Resources
  • Exploring Couples Counselling with Dr. Mary Goss – Counselling Resources
  • Counselling ADHD – Counselling Resources
  • Preparing to Work with Sexual Abuse – Counselling Resources
  • Schema Therapy for Couples and Relationships – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • YSQ-R Webinar & Scoring Resources. Everything you Need to Know – Schema Therapy Training Online
  • Gottman’s ‘Sound Relationship House’ with Liz Neal – PDP/PESI

Readings List:

  • I’m OK-you’re OK – Thomas A. Harris, M.D.
  • Games People Play – Eric Berne, M.D.
  • Three Paths To Autonomy & Self-Actualisation – Dr. Linda Gregory
  • I Hate You – Don’t Leave Me: Understanding the Borderline Personality – Jerold J Kreisman and Hal Straus
  • On Becoming a Person – Carl R. Rogers, Ph.D
  • Tao, The Watercourse Way – Alan Watts
  • Learned Optimism – Martin Seligman
  • Beyond the Relaxation Response – Herbert Benson, M.D.
  • Grace Unfolding, Psychotherapy in the Spirit of the Tao-te ching – Greg Johanson and Ron Kurtz
  • The Inner Master – Martin Zagnoev
  • The Biology of Belief – Bruce H. Lipton, Ph.D
  • The Worry Trick – David A. Carbonell, Ph.D
  • Taoism and Science – Dr. J. Zai
  • Incorporating Spirituality in Counseling and Psychotherapy – Geri Miller
  • The Principles of Buddhist Psychology – David J. Kalupahana
  • The Place Called Zero – Jonathan Christ
  • Transformative Counseling – Daniel Keeran
  • A Therapist’s Guide to Brief Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Jeffrey A. Cully, Ph.D and Andra L. Teten, Ph.D
  • Zen Buddhism – Robert Espiau
  • Western & Buddhist Psychology, Clinical Perspectives – M.G.T. Kwee and T.L. Hodstock
  • The Tao of Pooh – Benjamin Hoff
  • Talking TA – Louise Cameron
  • The Courage to be Happy – Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga
  • ReFraming, Neuro-Linguistic Programming and the Transformation of Meaning – R. Bandler and J. Grinder
  • Flow: the Psychology of Optimal Experience – Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi
  • The Book – Alan Watts
  • Taboo or Not Taboo, Reflections on Physical Touch in Psychoanalysis & Somatic Psychotherapy – Alison Hall
  • The Mystery of Consciousness – John R. Searle
  • An Introduction to Cognitive Psychology – Melvin Manis
  • The Third Space – Dr. Adam Fraser
  • Resilience: Timeless Stories of a Family Therapist – Moshe & Tesse Lang
  • Bhagavad Gita: As it is – A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
  • Meditation As Medicine – Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D., and Cameron Stauth
  • Mind Over Medicine – Lissa Rankin, M.D.
  • Living Tao – Ilchi Lee
  • Sex in Human Loving – Eric Berne, M.D.
  • What Do You Say After You Say Hello – Eric Berne, M.D.
  • On the Path of the Buddha, A Psychologists’ Guide to the History of Buddhism – C. Peter Bankart, Kathleen Dockett and G. Rita Dudley-Grant
  • Western & Buddhist Psychology, Clinical Perspectives – M.G.T. Kwee and T.L. Holdstock
  • Men, Women & Relationships – John Gray Ph.D.
  • The Tough-Minded Optimist – Norman Vincent Peale
  • Mental Efficiency – Arnold Bennett
  • Joining Together, Group Theory & Skills – David Johnson and Frank Johnson
  • The Art of Stress-Free Living – Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
  • The Talking Cure – Prof. Gillian Straker & Dr. Jacqui Winship
  • Social Psychology – William W. Lambert & Wallace E. Lambert
  • An Invitation to Happiness in Everyday Life – Florence Thomas
  • The Complete Marriage Book, Practical Help from Leading Experts – Dr. David Stoop & Dr. Jan Steep (editors)
  • A Lifelong Love Affair – Joseph Nowinski Ph.D
  • Simple Changes – Robert J. Wicks
  • Your Best Life – Dominique Bertolucci
  • How to Conquer Nerves – Dr. S.J. Van Pelt
  • The Integrity of the Personality – Anthony Storr
  • Zen Flesh, Zen Bones – Compiled by Paul Reps
  • Psychology and Life – Leslie D. Weatherhead
  • Risking Being Alive – J. Oldham, Y. Starak and T. Key
  • Intimacy & Solitude – Stephanie Dowrick
  • Advanced CBT Strategies for Chronic or Recurrent Depression & Anxiety – John Ludgate, Ph.D.
  • Witchdoctors and Psychiatrists. The Common Roots of Psychotherapy and its Future – E. Fuller Torres, M.D.
  • Arguments – The School of Life
  • The First and Last Freedom – Krishnamurti
  • The Intimacy Factor – Pia Mellody
  • 12 Rules For Life – Dr. Jordan Peterson
  • Gaslighting – Dr. Stephanie Sarkis
  • The Intimacy Factor – Pia Mellody
  • Wisdom – Stephen S. Hall
  • You Just Don’t Understand – Deborah Tannen