The Value of Appreciation

In what is considered a high-speed world, how often do you stop to really appreciate what you have?

Do you regularly stop and smell the roses? Take a moment to pause and think about how lucky you might actually be.

It’s not hard to get caught up in the game of life and to lose sight of the good stuff.

If you have lost sight of the good things in your life, you might no longer be appreciative of them.

For example, do you just watch your favourite TV show, or do you allow yourself to think about how much you enjoy the experience?

Do you really appreciate and savour the experience of just putting your feet up, relaxing, and watching your show?

How about the other great things in your life?

When was the last time you said thank you for some of the sweet things?

If you don’t appreciate other people or external things, how you can appreciate yourself?

The Oxford Dictionary describes appreciation as being “recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something”.

In this video, I take a look at what can be achieved by turning around our thinking and looking from a different perspective.

And the power and value of appreciation…

Would you like to look at ways of making changes in your life?

Perhaps you feel things just aren’t quite working out for you as well as you’d hoped?

Do you need some support to take that next step?

Why not make a Counselling appointment with me and hopefully we can start helping you along to a happier and calmer place.