Please note that from Friday the 31st of August 2024 we will no longer offer face-to-face counselling sessions at our Hurstville office.
From then on, all my Relationship and Adult Counselling services can be accessed via online sessions.
This decision has been a hard one to make, however, it has become increasingly difficult to justify the ongoing and rising costs of commercial real estate (and all other associated costs that come with having an office space).
Aside from reducing overheads, going solely online offers up the opportunity to work with clients across more flexible times, and, working with clients from outside of Sydney, and even in other nations (as I am already doing).
I am also happy to confirm that I have re-opened my books for new Adult and Relationship Counselling clients and welcome you to make an appointment with me.
Thank you in advance for your understanding and ongoing support while I make the shift to being an online Counsellor.
If you require further information please don’t hesitate to get in contact with me.