Counselling Articles

New Link Found Between Stress and Behaviour

There are many well-established links between stress and human behaviour, and it is a phenomenon that I see regularly in my Counselling clients. I can also see this in myself. When I look back at […]

Counselling Articles

More Safety = Less Stress = More Peace

I cannot understate the importance of safety and the dangerous effects of stress on human mental health and the impacts on the health of our interpersonal relationships. No matter who you are and what you’ve […]

Counselling Articles

Complexity Causes Suffering – Peterson

There is little doubt that our lives today are more complex than those of the generations before us. Sure, we have many luxuries today that people not long ago could only dream of, even simple […]

Counselling Articles

Stress Plays Big Role in Memory Formation

Almost always, people who seek out assistance from a therapist do so because their situation is causing them stress. As I’ve covered here, the problem with being under stress is that our body tries to […]

Counselling Articles

Beware the Effects of Enmeshment

Enmeshment is one of those words that has come into the public domain in recent years, however, I think sometimes people aren’t entirely aware of what it is in interpersonal relationships. In the book Family […]

Counselling Articles

Tired People are More Emotional People

We speak a lot about cycles in Counselling, particularly the cycles that we can find ourselves in, but sometimes are mostly unaware of. Cycles that sort of sneak up on us, or are so ingrained […]

Counselling Articles

Signs of Coercive Control in Relationships

Coercive Control has become a term that people are increasingly aware of, however, I think not everyone thoroughly understands what it is. What is Coercive Control? And, importantly, what are some signs of Coercive Control […]

Counselling Articles

New Link Between Safety and Positive Emotions

Whether in my Relationship Counselling or Adult Counselling work, I often focus on helping people work towards a less stressful life. The issue is that when we are stressed (or, more specifically when we don’t […]

Counselling Articles

Internal Validation a Key to Happiness

There always seems to be a strong focus on being happy, with people sometimes spending lots of time trying to determine if that is their actual state. However, a study in the USA has just […]

Counselling Articles

What is the Number One Cause of Divorce?

I was doing some research recently and I came across an Australian study that shows quite conclusively the most common reason for a marriage to end in divorce. The study, completed by the Australian Institute […]