two flowers side by side
Counselling Articles

Proof Stress is Contagious

Researchers show one person’s stress can quickly affect those close to them. If a person catches a cold, it’s not overly surprising when their significant other also becomes infected. Heaven knows we’ve learned much about […]

couple fun in bed
Counselling Articles

Reduce Stress With Sex And Food

Researchers prove pleasure helps us reduce our stress levels. When couples come to relationship counselling they are often experiencing stress and the dysfunction in the relationship might be having both a direct and indirect impact […]

Counselling Articles

How Stress Affects Men & Women Differently

New research finds differences between how men and women experience stress. A failing or difficult relationship, troubles with the kids, demands of work, financial worries…stress is something that we all experience at different times. And […]

gut health anxiety link
Counselling Articles

We Now Know More About Anxiety and Gut Health Link

New evidence shows a direct link between mental health and gut health. I recently published an article outlining evidence that the health of our tummy can affect the production of serotonin, which can impact our […]

roller coaster couple
Counselling Articles

Beware the Control Trap

Trying to control things can only leave us feeling helpless Most people would, if given the chance, go for a ride on a roller coaster. Why? Well, I think it is mostly about those wonderful […]

Counselling Articles

Patience is all about Emotion Regulation

When we are stressed, we are more emotional. So much of my Counselling work is about helping people understand how external stressors affect the way we behave. People who come to Counselling are quite often […]

Counselling Articles

More Evidence Linking Stress and Behaviour

A person experiencing high-stress levels will likely be acting outside of their normal behaviour patterns. Stress, at least in the most surface-level way, is dealt with by our physiological systems through the release of Cortisol. […]

Counselling Articles

More Evidence Linking Gut Health to Mental Health

No matter the professional health or well-being field, experts tend to agree that humans do suffer the knock-on effects of their lifestyle, behaviours, and environment, in one form or another. Ask an Oncologist and they […]

Counselling Articles

We Are Sensitive To Where We Are

It is probably no surprise to hear further proof that the environment that we are in affects our mood and mental state. Humans can withstand a lot and are generally pretty resilient creatures, but we’re […]