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Counselling Articles

Proof Stress is Contagious

Researchers show one person’s stress can quickly affect those close to them. If a person catches a cold, it’s not overly surprising when their significant other also becomes infected. Heaven knows we’ve learned much about […]

young family on beach
Counselling Articles

Life Stage Phenomenon Seen In Couples Counselling

Couples in relationship counselling are often in these different life stages. Once you start working at something you start to see some distinct patterns and one I’ve noticed is that there are often two types […]

sweeping outside broom
Counselling Articles

When Sweeping, Just Sweep

There was once a busy man who felt there was still room for self-improvement. He had tried all the motivational speakers, spent a fortune on seminars, read books, and traveled to conferences on how to […]

couple fun in bed
Counselling Articles

Reduce Stress With Sex And Food

Researchers prove pleasure helps us reduce our stress levels. When couples come to relationship counselling they are often experiencing stress and the dysfunction in the relationship might be having both a direct and indirect impact […]

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Counselling Articles

Imagine If You Could Just Trust Yourself

In adulthood, children taught not to trust others tend to lack trust in self. It is fully understandable, isn’t it? You meet an adult and their life just isn’t working out for them the way […]

Counselling Articles

How Stress Affects Men & Women Differently

New research finds differences between how men and women experience stress. A failing or difficult relationship, troubles with the kids, demands of work, financial worries…stress is something that we all experience at different times. And […]

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Counselling Articles

Should We Have Counselling Before Marriage?

Great question, and a really simple answer…yes, unequivocally you should! I’ve been a relationship counsellor now for almost six years and in that time I have worked with hundreds of couples. When you work with […]

growing as we age
Counselling Articles

We Typically Get Better With Age

Things might not be where you want them to be now, but maybe the best is yet to come. There are a few aspects of this piece that I would like to cover, firstly, it’s […]

is honesty always the best policy
Counselling Articles

Is Honesty Always the Best Policy in Relationships?

Naturally, being honest with your partner is necessary for a healthy relationship. But, how honest? For example, is it better to curb your honesty a little to avoid hurting your significant other’s feelings? Or maybe […]