question marks
Counselling Articles

Does my child need therapy?

Does my child or teenager need Counselling? What does child and teen counselling actually include? And, as a parent, how will I be involved? These are just some of the common questions I get asked […]

Counselling Articles

Playing Piano can help shift the blues

I must admit, I do admire people who can play the piano, it’s a skill I would have liked to have learned, though I haven’t gone down that road in my own life yet. But, […]

Counselling Articles

Research confirms trauma link to stress response

I remember watching a fascinating counselling training presentation video from renowned trauma researcher, Dr. Bessel Van Der Kolk. The psychiatrist, author, researcher, and educator changed his thinking about how trauma affects us when he read […]

Counselling Articles

Healthy mind starts with healthy breathing

Quite often, the way we breathe says a lot about how our life is going, and luckily better breathing is something you can probably start doing right now. Of course, some people do have particular […]

Counselling Articles

Buddhism precepts may help reduce Depression

New research has found adopting the core precepts of Buddhism can potentially help reduce the effects of depression. The results were published last month in the open-access journal PLOS ONE with the team from Chiang […]

child and youth counselling
Counselling Articles

Child & Youth Counselling Now Available

There’s been a fair bit of change at With a Little Help Counselling in recent times, all designed to improve your experience with us, and to better help meet your needs. The first big change […]

Counselling Articles

Validation is not Agreement

Sometimes my counselling clients, especially in relationship counselling sessions, get confused about what validation is, and what it isn’t. Often, the belief is that if the person validates the way the other person is feeling, […]