Counselling Articles

Are you a Self-Sacrificer?

Almost, I’m talking probably 99% of my Relationship Counselling couples, include at least one person who can be classified as a Self-Sacrificer. It is remarkable how many people in couples counselling turn out to be […]

Counselling Articles

Validation is not Agreement

Sometimes my counselling clients, especially in relationship counselling sessions, get confused about what validation is, and what it isn’t. Often, the belief is that if the person validates the way the other person is feeling, […]

it's ok not to be ok
Counselling Articles

The Power of Validation

I’ve worked with hundreds of couples from all walks of life, naturally, they come to me for relationship counselling because things aren’t going as well as they would like. In pretty much all of these […]

Counselling Articles

What I learned from our hens

During the COVID lockdowns, there was a resurgence in keeping chickens in backyard coops, and this experience highlighted a few things for me. We were one of the very many families that went out and […]

riding the ox home zen
Counselling Articles

Three Phases of Counselling

No two counselling clients are the same, everyone comes into the process in a different place with different needs. Couples counselling is the same – each couple is in their own unique place with their […]