Counselling Articles

Another link between Stress and Depression

There is a mountain of evidence that has already proven that prolonged stress often leads to depression, and now comes another study proving that very theory. The stress response is a fascinating physiological reaction and […]

Counselling Articles

Must-See Validation Videos

There are many, many benefits to having a thorough understanding of Validation, however, some people do struggle to get a handle on it. Of course, there are two types of validation – External Validation and […]

Counselling Articles

Do you offer Evening Counselling Sessions?

It’s a question we get asked a lot – do you offer Counselling sessions in the evenings? The answer is that we do, and this includes all of our services, including Individual Counselling and Relationship […]

Counselling Articles

The Four Basic Relationship Types

As a relationship counsellor you start to see certain trends and similarities in the couples that present for support. It seems to me, after years in the job, that although no two couples are exactly […]

Counselling Articles

Shared Finances a Step to a Healthy Marriage

The Beatles famously sang, “Money can’t buy me love,” but married couples who manage their finances together may love each other longer, according to new research.  Prior research suggests a correlation that couples who merge […]

Counselling Articles

Should I leave my relationship?

As a Relationship Counsellor it’s a question that does come up every now and then – Joel, should I stay or should I go? Of course, it is not my place to tell you what […]

unhappy couple
Counselling Articles

Help! My Partner Isn’t Who I Thought They Were

It’s definitely a trend I see in relationship counselling – a partner feeling as though they’ve been deceived. Sadly, sometimes (or actually, you might say often) it isn’t just feeling deceived, they have literally been […]

Counselling Articles

How a better relationship can help our sleep

Research has found Adults who share a bed with a partner or spouse sleep better than those who sleep alone. And, sleeping with your significant other in the same bed can lead to a better […]

Counselling Articles

Are you a Self-Sacrificer?

Almost, I’m talking probably 99% of my Relationship Counselling couples, include at least one person who can be classified as a Self-Sacrificer. It is remarkable how many people in couples counselling turn out to be […]